“I want a good life, but something always seems to stand in my way. I even know what’s preventing me from living it, but I don’t know how to change and get a different result.”

This is probably your situation and I’m here to help you solve these issues and move ahead to achieve that life.

The Power of Myths

As a hypnotherapist and licensed psychotherapist of many years experience, I have discovered that the one thing that stands between you and the life you wish for yourself is your mind. There is always some voice inside you telling you that you cannot do it. These are simply myths that you have told yourself or that others told you about you, and you have taken them to be true. These myths will keep working in your life as long as you believe they are true.

I am here to tell you that they are not true and you have the power in you to:


  • break those myths,
  • break those bad habits,
  • conquer that fear,
  • lose that anxiety,
  • overcome that grief,


or whatever you wish to achieve. You have the power to reprogram yourself to believe the real truth, which is that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve.

What Does Hypnosis Do?

Through hypnosis, I will help you take complete control of your mind, deciding what you want to achieve in order to move ahead and get it done. Hypnosis is a natural state which we unconsciously pass in and out of throughout the day. We experience hypnotic conditions when we are moved to sadness in a movie or when we drive in a trance-like state, or even right before we fall asleep. I will help you consciously enter a positive state trance, in order to instill good feelings and steer your behaviors in the right direction. This is how you will reach your goals.

Through hypnotherapy, I will help you create a channel to the subconscious areas of your mind, where you can change those lies you have been telling yourself. I will help you discover and enhance the connection between your mind and your body, giving you the power to:


  • change the perception of pain,
  • control your negativity,
  • enhance physical healing


and spark off the positive behavioral changes that you desire.

With a degree in Psychotherapy as well as a certification in Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming, I have worked with many clients who desire a change in a variety of areas in their lives and have helped them to naturally and successfully effect that change.

What Can You Achieve With Hypnotherapy?

Just like I have helped others, I can also help you achieve the following through hypnotherapy:


  • Conquer your fears and anxieties
  • Build a better relationship
  • Get motivated to achieve your goals
  • Get relief from pain
  • Enhance your career
  • Overcome negative feeling about yourself
  • Override bad habits
  • Replace bad habits with good ones
  • And many others


The Value of Hypnotherapy?


  • A CALM MIND: You will recover the peace and relaxation that has previously eluded you and so you will be able to sleep better
  • BECOME POSITIVE TOWARDS YOURSELF: You will experience an increased feeling of confidence and self-worth within you. You will become more comfortable being who you are
  • ACHIEVE A HEALTHY AND BETTER RELATIONSHIP: Since you will discover your self-worth and value in your relationship, you will be able to have more of your needs met
  • You will experience joy like you have never felt and see reasons to laugh at yourself and life in general
  • You will develop a special ability to handle any challenge that life will bring your way
  • You will get to know yourself on a deeper level and so be able to freely express yourself in your own way
  • You will also become optimistic about your life and your future


If you feel the time has come to take action...

I offer a 15 minute phone consultation, so please contact me to set up a time to talk or schedule an appointment. I am eagerly waiting to help you get your life back and live your dreams.

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