Having Trouble Connecting?

Sometimes its difficult to connect with those we love-and thereby lack the support that this connection can offer. The choices we make in our career paths are similar to those choices we make in our interpersonal relationships. Our work is also a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. Our career path is a manifestation of both our capabilities and beliefs in what we deserve as evidenced by the magnitude of the accompanying pay level.

Can You Be Both Happy And Successful?

Whether we shy away from work or a more pleasurable job, because of our fears; or we overwork to avoid other negative aspects in our lives; or we struggle with financial problems-it is possible to reverse this and to be both happy and successful. All you need is to dare to believe.

If you feel the time has come to take action...

I offer a 15 minute phone consultation, so please contact me to set up a time to talk or schedule an appointment. I am eagerly waiting to help you get your life back and live your dreams.

© Jessica McIntyre2024

Therapy is a necessary part of maintaining your mental health, I am here to help guide you on your journey.

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